Free online game and addicting games Sift Heads World Act 2 only at
Play Sift Heads World Act 2
*Warning - this game is very violent, contains adult themes and coarse language - NOT suitable for young players*
For the second episode in the Sift Heads World series the storyline takes you back to Chicago and also flies you all the way to Tokyo Japan, where the member of our heroic trio Kiro and his recent partners Vinnie and Shorty will face some new menacing enemies. This action-packed filled episode will feature intense fighting against the Yakuza, search and eliminate, motorcycle racing, clever missions and more!
Features :
- Vinnie, Shorty and Kiro are confronting the Yakuza !
- 1 new city to explore : Tokyo, Japan !
- 2 new weapons & 17 new costumes !
- 20 new missions !
- New treasures ...
- New mini game.
- Continue with your Bounter Hunter Account ( with your stats and items from Act 1 )
- and more ...

Left Click : Shoot / Action SpaceBar : Get your Weapon (R) : Reload (Q) : Switch Quality

Tag: shooter, action, sniper
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